Love reading news article from WP! Interesting, informative and accurate
Love reading news article from WP! Interesting, informative and accurate
I like how there are a select number of articles to read. I dont get overwhelmed by having too many topics to consume. If I want to explore more articles, I can. If I just want a quick overview of current topics, it is easy to do.
Love the layout and overall look. Combined with a+ reporting, its become one I automatically click on first thing each morning.
If you have a problem with your subscription dont bother emailing them. They dont bother to respond.
I find myself reading the Washington Post a lot more than I use any of my other news apps on my iPhone, iPad or Kindle. Im a political junkie and they stay on top of it. They also provide good coverage of other big world and national stories. The comments section following the articles are also interesting with some good comments as well as the usual trolling and mud-slinging, if you have the time.
This is supposed to be unbiased journalism. Its sad and disgraceful that it passes for news.
Good writing and presentation of top stories. Only problem is that dual-column format opens to larger single column story and is sometimes hard to reverse.
I just want news.
I tried to do the right thing and pay for the Washington Post. As an Amazon Prime subscriber, I opted for the $4.99/month National subscription, as opposed to the $14.99/month National & Regional edition (I dont live near DC, so why would I). Unfortunately, I cannot read stories on the good WP app (with a black and white logo) and am forced to use this crappy click-bait app (the blue and white one) which wont even let u search stories by author or sort searches in order of publication. Why did I try to do the right thing? Can I cancel the paid subscription? This app is a waste of time.
Look I hate trump just as much as the next guy but the guy is not the devil. Even if he is does every other article have to be slandering this guy?
Totally enjoying the app. WP is evidence-based journalism at its best. Excellent write-ups. Unbiased.
Best news app
easy to navigate, and super informative
Leaves everybody generations behind. The best way to read the news
The format is excellent, reporting and opinions thought provoking. The Post has furthered its reputation as a national Paper. Although there are times I would like to read a conservative opinion, I congratulate The Post for their continued fine work and excellent digital format.
Ive only been subscribing to the Post online for 2 weeks, but I find I spend much more time reading it than I do either my local paper or the NY Times, both of which I also subscribe to online. The app makes reading very easy.
There are two apps. The black one, which is very good and the blue one, which is just fair. Why have two?
I depend upon my daily Washington Post fix. I find the news fair and balanced and easily accessible. The site is well designed so that a reader can dig deeper into a story should then choose.
Great articles, sophisticated format. Whats not to love. Five stars for this news app. Thank you Washington Post!
The paper is one of my favorites, and the app does it justice zippy quick and monumentally navigation friendly. I can get my news well written and efficiently delivered which helps me stay informed even while I am at my busiest.